Le REF met à disposition sur son site des publications,
rapports et autres ressources utiles pour comprendre
les dynamiques de l’espace euro-méditerranéen.
Le REF met à disposition sur son site des publications,
rapports et autres ressources utiles pour comprendre
les dynamiques de l’espace euro-méditerranéen.
This report intends thus to present an insight to the violence health staff have suffered during the seven weeks between 30 March and 15 May, based on the information provided by the Palestinian health NGOs and their staff. The intention is to offer a better understanding of the incidents occurred along the border area, to frame these incidents within the different applicable legal frameworks and to portray the consequences they have had on the overall provision of health services. Simultaneously, this report also stresses the importance of improving the safety protocols of healthcare personnel working in Gaza and the responsibilities each actor has.
This report is divided into two major sections: the first provides a general introduction on violence against healthcare and the second focuses on the results of the fieldwork carried out with the Palestinian NGOs in Gaza. The first section therefore describes what violence against healthcare is; it provides a description of the different legal bodies that ensure protection to health workers, ambulances and units; it focuses on the role of safety management in reducing the impact of violence; and then contextualises the recent incidents against healthcare in Gaza. The second part begins with a methodological description of the fieldwork and then develops the results found in terms of health access, the safety of personnel and safety incidents, giving especial attention to the consequences of these incidents. Finally, a series of recommendations are proposed to instigate action and change in favour of improving protection and safety of healthcare in Gaza.
Retrouvez le rapport en pièce jointe de cet article